Home > Inspiration, London > This is Why I don’t watch BBC News

This is Why I don’t watch BBC News

Every now and then, someone is very surprised that my answer to the question “Did you see X Y Z on the news”? is…. No.

Then after a brief synopsis and analysis of how they interpreted the information we are both just as wise and informed.

I found out when i was very young that News can be filtered and ignored for quite some time. anything important will filter through, and usually including information from various sources.

So all in all, by not watching BBC News:

1) you’ve saved yourself a lot of time by not sitting in front of the idiot box.
2) You’ve received digested news from various sources
3) You’ve not had to be exposed to video’s such as the one above.
4) You’ve not really had to worry about things that don’t necessarily affect you that much. (If you live in England you can be assured there’s someone charging the Government enough to try and fix any issue which is being presented anyway)

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Categories: Inspiration, London